June 12, 2015

Alin's Fairy Tale

So last weekends was packed with events for Alin's wedding. Amal & I were searching for matching outfit, mind you for 9 people with different sizes, and it was not so much of an easy task as it sounded, but nonetheless we found them at the end! Yay! A number of impromptu stuff too, but it worked out well in the end.

Congrats to Alin & Fahmi!

The solemnization ceremony took place at Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, Putrajaya, or better known as Masjid Besi. We were the 'dulang' girls that day.

Us with the bride, her mom and Zarra, fellow ex-CUCMS

Macam kumpulan nasyid pulak...

The reception took place the next day, on Sunday in PJ. We arrived early since we got some new instruction to escort the couple into the hall.


Amal explaining and demonstrating the event flow

Chilling with ice-cream while waiting for the bride and groom

Selfie with my sister

The flower Girls

Yeah, being in that 'seiza' position for quite some time was.... errr.... one heck of an experience

Look who came!

More Frontiers!

Cake cutting~

Syafiq, Nani & Radly and Liyana & Amirul already went back by this time

And Nisah was the last to arrive, so we HAD to take picture!

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